If you have previously purchased one of our DSG Tunes, use this to update to the latest revision. This only applies to updates for the same car and modifications as the original tune you purchased.
Current versions:
- 6-Speed (DQ250)
- 7-Speed (DQ380)
- 6 Speed (DQ250)
- 7 Speed (DQ381)
Changes for V2.50 for Golf R / S3
Eliminated kickdown function entirely (in auto and manual modes)
WOT shift points in D and S have been further optimized
Launch control levels revised to 3300, 3500, 3700RPM as it seems most people achieve better results with these.
Implemented fix for accidental double upshifts when using paddles. There is now a 0.4s delay between registering multiple upshift requests. This does not add any delay to the initial upshift request. It just prevent people from accidentally double tapping the paddle or tapping it right as the TCU is performing an automatic upshift.
If you select DSG Customization, please select the appropriate option. Then Download and fill out the DSG Form and email it to Sales@EQTuning.com with your Order Number.
DSG Customization Form Download
Buying Used
The discounted ECU staged tune updates, option changes, and customizations are reserved for the original owners of the tune who paid for their files to support our work.
If you love our work and want to contribute to continued development and support, please consider supporting us and becoming an original owner of your tune. :)
You can read more about buying used EQT tunes Here: